Sometimes some good ole' fashion watermelon is all it takes to get kids to feel better and stop whining. Since Jacqueline and Harrison have not felt well the last few days all they have wanted to eat is canned chicken soup. Not my cup of tea, but if they're sick and that's what they want, poof, that's what they get. Anything to make my kids better. Unfortunately, the chicken soup magic just hasn't been there this time. They eat it and everything......but what kid wouldn't eat Cars soup, or Princess soup, or Dora soup - if you have kids, you get the idea. But these little ones just got more grumpy - no one seemed happier after their bowl of chicken soup. So, yesterday there was no way I was dragging my runny-nosed sweethearts food shopping at Wegman's so my beloved husband spent his lunch time food shopping (his office is across the street from Wegman's anyway!) He brought home everything on my list (except what I was planning on having for dinner tonight!!) and, of course, a "few" things that weren't on the list - One of the reasons I don't send him alone too often! But, he did bring home a small, whole watermelon. Now, my kids go crazy over that particular fruit. And yesterday was no exception. Once Harrison spied it on the counter, there was no mercy. I had to cut it "NOW" and they ate that thing faster than I could cut it. So here is a picture of all that was left after the watermelon was voraciously attacked by my children and a picture of Harrison, with the first smile of the day, sitting on the counter, eating his watermelon with juice dripping all over him and my counter. You may also notice the shnoogies (as we call them) dripping from his nose. Kids. Colds. Watermelon. Who needs chicken soup?
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