My "baby" turned eight yesterday, September 12th. I really can't believe she's eight - seems like just yesterday she was in my arms 24/7 and crying constantly (well, that part hasn't changed too much!!) We celebrated her birthday with presents, of course, and a dinner chosen by the birthday girl. Her request was "shake and bake chicken, pasta alfredo, and garlic bread" - her exact words so that is exactly what mom made for her. She also wanted strawberry cupcakes with strawberry frosting and strawberry and caramel ice creams for dessert. Your wish is my command (at least on your birthday in this house) so that's what we had. She had also requested a red table cloth, candles on the table, fancy plates with leaves on them (we went for paper ones with leaves rather than a new set of china!!) and balloons. This girls knows exactly what she wants!!!! She had a great day and loved her presents which were all Hannah Montana themed - bedding, towels, wall decals, etc., etc. Her best present was that her grandparents came from Massachusetts. They arrived on her birthday and will be hanging with us for 10 days. I love seeing my children happy. Happy Birthday Jacqueline!!!
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