Well, by the grace of my husband, who may at times THINK he's a God, I survived the sleepover without passing out, falling over, or bursting in to tears. I really do have the greatest, most awesome, patient, brave husband in the whole entire world. How many other husbands would play musical chairs to Hannah Montana music with a bunch of 8 and 9 year olds? He ran the show. Not (of course I had to put it in this disclaimer) how I would have run it, but I was in NO position to criticize in my state of health! I did manage to paint the girls nails while sitting at the kitchen table and to help out setting up and cleaning up here and there. Jack tucked them all in and then got up and made them all breakfast this morning. (Have I mentioned how much I love my husband?) Now, don't think for a minute that I got to sleep in, I was up too, he just did everything. The thing I had to laugh about was last night while we were waiting for the kids to pass out, he was sitting at the computer whining about how tired he was and about how much his feet hurt - welcome to my world honey!! Jacqueline had an amazing time and was very happy. All the girls actually slept and I think they all had a good time, too. They danced, sang, ran around and watched the Hannah Montana concert on DVD. Part of the favors was a head-set microphone that they all put on and sang along to every song Hannah sang!! Harrison even got in on the fun (he passed out about 2 hours before the others did on the couch in the middle of all the action. I have NO idea how he actually fell asleep amidst all the girly noise!) This afternoon I resumed my position on the couch as I am pretty worn out - again. The girls are really tired, but of course would NOT nap - trust me we tried!! Now I need to try to get some of that "rest" the doctor prescribed before my parents arrive on Friday!!
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