Tuesday, April 7, 2009

Something's wrong with this picture....

Well, Mother Nature did NOT take my letter to heart and it is at the moment snowing in upstate New York. The grass is still visible but my deck is not and it's a frigid 27 degrees outside. Jack drove 40 mph on the thruway amidst snow plows and blizzard-like conditions for a "leisurely" 2+ hour commute to Rochester. Harrison has a turtleneck and a sweatshirt on for preschool and when I bundled the kids up to go to school I was seriously questioned by Jacqueline as to why her hat and gloves were on her backpack. Again. She asked me this with a look on her face that read "mommy has lost it for real this time." No MOMMY hasn't lost it, Mother Nature has. The local weatherman was kind enough to tell us this morning that the weather is more like January 7th than April 7th. Really? Thanks for rubbing it in! I keep reminding myself that this IS April and it's only a matter of time before the weather improves...... Right?

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